Single – Dimensional Arrays
l Array is a collection of variables of the same data type that is referenced by a common name.
l Example:
int array[4]={25,5,7,11,163};
printf(“%d %d %d %d %d”, array[0], array[1], array[2],array[3],array[4]);
Parts of the array are:
Array[0] = 25
· Array name - Array
· Subscript or index - [0]
· Array element - 25
Array declaration
l The general form for any declaration is as follows:
type array_name[size];
type is any valid data type in Turbo C which declares the type of values that array will hold.
array_name is a valid variable name which will name the array.
size defines how many elements the array will hold.
l The two declarations for arrays number and answer can be combined into a single declaration:
int number[100] , answer [25];
Array Initialization
l Arrays can give initial values during the declaration. This is called array initialization..
int Array1[5]={25, 5, 7, 11, 163};