Thursday, June 26, 2008


I learned that during this period began at around 3000 BC until 1450 A.D. I learned that it is the period where writing and alphabet communications began. it is where they only used signs or just a simple figures carved in rocks for them to communicate with others. Early humans are using ideographs or symbols to represent ideas or concept.



- From Mesopotamia ( Southern Iraq )
- Devised the cuneiform
- Their input technology was a stylus that could scratch marks in wet clay.

- It is the first true written language and the first real information system.
- It is using a clay tablet as an actual cuneiform symbols.

- Created symbols that expressed single syllables and constants at around 2000 B.C.
- They developed the first true alphabet.

- Adopted the Phoenician alphabet and added vowels.
- Made paper from rags, on which modern-day paper-making is based at around 600 B.C

- Gave the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use today.

- wrote the Papyrus plant at around 2600 B.C
- They kept scroll.

- They made paper from rags, on which modern-day paper-making is based.


Egyptians numbering system
- they use symbols that represents particular number.
· 1 – 9 = vertical lines
· 10 = U or circle
· 100 = coiled rope
· 1000 = lotus blossom

- India
- created a nine-digit numbering system
- The first numbering systems similar to those in use today were invented between 100 and 200 A.D.

875 A.D
- The concept of zero was developed.

I learned that ABACUS was the very first processor. It is the man’s first recorded adding machine. It was invented in Babylonia during 500 B.C. It is an ancient computing device constructed of sliding beads on small wooden rods, strung on a wooden frame. I also learned that it can be consider as the first calculator.


I learned that it is the period where computers are already invented by some popular inventors of computes. It happens at around 1450 up to 1840. The development of book indexes and the widespread use of page numbers were during this period.

There are many inventors that are being well – known because of their inventions. Ahd they are:

Johann Gutenberg
- Invented the movable metal-type printing process in 1450.

The first general purpose "computers
- Actually people who held the job title "computer: one who works with numbers."

John Napier
- introduces the Logarithm
- introduce a machine that allow multiplication and division to be reduced to addition and subtraction
- He was so intelligent, many of the locals believed him to be in league with the Devil.
- 1614

Wilhelm Shickard
- He invents the first mechanical calculator
- He invents a machine that can work with six digits and carries digits across columns

- 1623

William Oughtred

- invented the slide rule.
- Invented an Early example of an analog computer

Blaise Pascal

- invented the a mechanical calculation machine.
- This machine is called as PASCALINE (was made out of clock gears and levers and could solve basic mathematical problems like addition and subtraction)
- 1642

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
- 1646-1716
- Invented a machine called the stepped reckoner that could multiply 5 digit and 12 digit numbers yielding up to 16 digit number.

Joseph-Marie Jacquard
- 1801
- automatic loom
- Punch card idea picked up by Babbage from him.

Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar

- 1785-1870
- Invented the Arithmometer became the first mass-produced calculator

Charles Babbage
- Invented the first modern computer design: a steam powered adding machine called “the difference engine”.
- invented the “analytical engine”.
- difference engine and the analytical engine are regarded as the first “thinking machines”.
- “father of computers”.


I learned that elecromechanical period happens during 1840 up to 1940. This is the period where the discovery of electricity began. The beginning of telecommunication happened during this period. I also learned that the discovery of Voltaic Battery, Telegraph, Telephone and Radio happened during this period.


- It is considered as the first electric battery in vented by Alessandro Volta, in the 8th century.

- It consists of stack alternating discs of zinc copper.


- It was conceived by Samuel F.J. Morse in 1832.


- It was discovered by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

- “ Watson, come here I want you” the famous quotation that transmitted by Alexander Graham Bell.

- It was introduced on a large scale at the PHILADELPHIA CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION in 1877.


- GuglielmoMacaroni discover that electrical waves can travel through space and can produce an effect far from the point which led to the discovery of radio in 1894.

- George Boole develops the Binary Algebra.


- Tabulating Machine

- Comptometer

- Comptograph

- Punched cards

Tabulating machine

- 1853

- completed by Pehr and Advard Scheutz.

- capable of processing fifteen-digit numbers, printing out results and rounding off to eight digits.


- 1885

- by Dorr Felt

- a key driven adding and subtracting calculator.


- 1889

- invented by Felt

- containing built-in printer

- the first person to successfully use punched cards in 1890

- he adapted the Punched Card

- he won the contest with his punched card device and his invention helped to complete the 1890 census in just two and one-half years

- he was the father of information processing and found the Tabulating machine Company which later became the Computer Tabulating Recording Company

- his company went to become the International Business Machines Corporation known today as IBM


- the first efficeint four-function calculator

- invented by Otto shweiger, a Swiss Engineer.

- 1893

Vacuum tube

- developed by Lee De Forest which provide electricity controlled switch, a necessity for digital electronic computers


I learned that during this period, all the computers that are already using electricity during the electomechanical period, they are enhanced and are improved. There are many machines that from simple functions become complicated. There are also machines that from a moderate fast become faster. This period began at 1941 until present.

This is also the time where all the inventions and inventors are rapidly growing higher. It is because it is the time of the war where the government is giving fund to those inventors who can invent a machine that can help their country to win the war or to help the resident that are really affected.


- used vacuum tubes as their main logic elements

- Punched cards to input and externally store data

I learned that computer in this time had vacuum tubes, resistors, and welded metal joints. They were large, slow, and expensive and produced a lot of heat. I also learned that computers needed many experts to operate them.

Presper Eckert and John Mauchly

- developed the first operational electronic digital computer, called ENIAC, for US Army


- was over 1000 times faster than Mark 1, and could perform 5000 additions per second

- had more than 1800 vacuum tubes, and took up to 1800 square feet of space


- became the first commercially available electronic computer

- designed by Eckert and Mauchly


I learned that in this generation, vacuum tubes are already replaced by transistors. Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched cards as external storage devices. I also learned that magnetic cores were strung on a wire the computer became the primary internal storage technology. This generation evolved at around 1940s. This is also the generation where transistors are developed.


- Semiconductors could be used in the design of a device

- Used to replace vacuum tubes

- Invented by John Barden, Walter Brattain and William Shockley of Bell Telephone Laboratories

- It is a small, solid-state component designed to monitor the flow of the electric current.

- Were smaller, faster, cheaper, required less power, and produce less heat than vacuum tubes

- made second generations computers faster and more reliable than first generations.

- It can amplify signal, or open and close a circuit

- It allowed second generations computers to communicate over telephone lines.

Grace Hopper

- the woman that found the first computer bug

- in 1961

Ken Olsen

- the founder of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

- Release the first minicomputer, the PDP-8.

IBM 360

- introduced in April

- Quickly becomes the standard institutional mainframe computer.

BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

- developed by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny of Dartmouth College

- as a computer language to help teach people how to program


- it uses the pc that are composed of transistors.


- it uses the processor which is used nowadays.

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