In this week we really learned a lot of things. Especially thing related to card and computers. We tackled about the many things that are very useful for our future.
I learned that video card converts digital data into signals that can be sent across a connector to the monitor which interprets the signal into an image. I also learned that there are two basic categories of video modes:
· the text mode which is a type of monitor that displays only ASCII which stands for American Standard Codes For International Interchange.
· The graphics mode which is a type of monitor who can display any bit – mapped image.
I also learned about the expansion slots that are placed at the back of the computer and provide access to the AGP (
I also learned that Internal Modem resides on an expansion board in order to connect to the internet. It also convert (modulate) the digital code into analogue waves and convert them back into digitals (demodulate) at the other end. There is also a power supply that supplies fuel to the computer. And the power cables that supplies power from the power supply to the drives. the colors of power cables indicates the power they contain such as the:
· Yellow wire furnishes 12 volts of power
· Red wire furnishes 5 volts of power
· Blacks that represent ground wires.
We also learned about the output devices that present, display, alters, or records output after it has left a computer’s system unit. The example of this devices are the Computer speaker that converts output data into sound, the monitor that is the most popular output device and the printer that creates images on the paper.
We also discuss about the input devices who generates input for the computer and allows the users to enter into the computer to be processed. The examples are:
· Keyboard that has 6 types of special keys namely Control key, Alt key, Shift key, Arrow key, Function key and the Caps lock key.
· Mouse that invented by Douglas Engalbert.
· Digital Camera that takes picture without a film.
· Graphic Tablet
· Joy Sticks
We also tackled about the peripheral devices that serve specific purposes
and enhanced the computer’s functions. The example of this device is the CD –
I also learned about the 5 elements of Computing Process and they are the:
· Hardware – is the equipment involved in the function of a computer.
· Software – also called as the “programs”
· Data – is the raw facts that the computer can change into useful information.
· People – that are called as the “end users”.
· Procedures – are the steps or directions that the end user need to follow in order to complete a certain task.
We also discuss the Software and its types namely the Application Software, the Operating system, and the Programming languages. We also learned the generations of languages and that are the:
· Machine – language = is the first generation languages and is based in binary language that is difficult for human to use.
· Assembly language = is the second generation language that is used to shorten and simplify the process of programming.
· High – level language = is the third generation language that are like an English Language.
· The fourth and fifth generation of language are closer to the natural languages or rely on Graphical Development Interfaces (GUI).
We also touch in the development of the Word Processing Program:
· Electric Pencil = the first word-processing program for microcomputers
· Wordstar = more powerful that Electric pencil
· Multimate = the first program that made the IBM PC a Wang – Word Processor.
· DisplayWrite = made the IBM PC imitate an IBM Displaywriter.
· PC – Write = shareware you could try for free before sending a donation to the author.
These things are being discussed in this first week of August. These lessons will raely help in the future. And I know that this will last to our memory because this is discussed very – well.
This website is full of spelling mistakes. e.g. These lessons will raely help in the future. Therefore I don't trust that this teaching was designed by using "collective intelligence" data.
Ek is Абрам Александр, 'n sakeman wat in staat was om sy sterwende slap besigheid te laat herleef deur die hulp van 'n God gestuurde geldskieter, bekend as Benjamin Lee, die leningskonsultant. Ek woon in Jekaterinburg Екатеринбург. Probeer u om 'n besigheid te begin, u skuld te vereffen, u bestaande uit te brei, geld benodig om voorrade aan te koop. Het u probleme gehad om 'n goeie kredietfasiliteit te bekom, wil ek hê dat u moet weet dat mnr. Benjamin u sal sien. Is die regte plek vir u om al u finansiële probleme op te los, want ek is 'n lewende getuienis, en ek kan dit nie net by myself hou as ander op soek is na 'n manier om finansieel opgehef te word nie. gebruik die besonderhede soos aangedui in 'n ander om deel te neem aan hierdie wonderlike geleentheid. E-pos: Of WhatsApp / Text + 1-989-394-3740.
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