Sunday, August 31, 2008


This week I learned about the:


- is a two – dimensional representation of an algorithm. A diagram representing the logical sequence in which a combination of steps is to be performed.
- A common method of defining the logical steps of flow within a program by using a series of symbols to identify the basic input, process and output function within a program.

-is a finite set of instruction that specify a sequence of operations to be carried out in order to solve a specific problem or class of problems.

Basic symbols used in flowcharting:

  • Terminal- it is used to signify the beginning and the end.
  • Preparation/ initialization- signifies the preparation of data. used to select initial conditions. Used to represent instructions or groups of instructions that will alter or modify a program's course of execution.
  • Input/Output- shows input and output. data are to be read inro the omputer's memory from an input device or data are to be passed fom the memory to an output device.
  • Processing- performs any calculations that are to be done.
  • Decision- signifies any decisions to be done.
  • On – page Connector- Shows the entry or exit point of the flowchart. A non – processing symbol used to connect one part of the flowchart to another without drawing flow lines.
  • Off – page Connector- Designated entry to or exit from one page when a flowchart requires more than one page.
  • Flow lines- Signifies the process that is to be executed next.

Basic Control Strutures
  • Sequence
-a process executed from one to another in a straightforward manner.
  • Selection
-a choice is provided between alternatives.
  • Repetition
-provides for the rpetitive exection of an operation or routine while the conditio is true.

Commonly Used Operators in Flowcharting
Arithmetic operators
  • + addition
  • - subtraction
  • * multiplication
  • / division

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